Monday, September 19, 2011

Power Point Presentations and Lawyers

I first learned about powerpoint from my wife who is an engineer. She would go to conferences and one engineer after another would stand at a podium and present powerpoint slides on highly technical subjects related to her field, which is solar energy. My first reaction was sincerely wondering how the entire audience didn't die of boredom. We lawyers did not use powerpoint presentations at that time. That is not to say that every time a lawyer spoke that the audience was riveted and on the edge of their seats, but there was a sense that you had a human being speaking to a group of human beings.

Some time after my initial exposure to powerpoint, I had occasion to work with some lawyers who wanted to use a powerpoint presentation in their opening statement and in closing. They had approximately 15 slides with 10 bullet points to each slide. These were brilliant lawyers, trying a highly complex case. Through much effort I convinced them to cut it down to 5 slides, with only 5 bullet points each, and to have a significant portion of the argument in which there was nothing on the screen at all.

My next encounter with powerpoint software was much more positive. A young lawyer was using powerpoint to present a timeline that had been professionally developed. It was one of the most effective opening statements I had seen. The visual presentation was an illustration of what she was saying, as opposed to a transcription of her speech. She maintained her connection with her audience while providing a visual way for the jury to organize the information that they were being given. Unfortunately I think that this is the exception rather than the rule when it comes to using powerpoint or similar technologies. The phrase "less is more" could not be more apt than in this context.

There are some lawyers who are now using powerpoint as a part of voir dire. I believe that there are serious pitfalls to this practice. The first being that a unique opportunity to build relationships with the jury is squandered. If a group of people are simply being asked to raise a card while staring at a screen, there is little or no connection between the lawyer and the potential jurors. Lawyers are always wanting to know how to build a rapport with jurors. As with any other relationship the best way to build a rapport is to listen to the person that you wish to build a relationship with. The second problem is that you end up placing quantity over quality when it comes to information. If a potential juror is simply asked, do you agree or disagree with a statement that is flashed on a screen, the lawyer obtains no information as to what is behind that opinion. I have often times had venire persons who would be excellent plaintiffs jurors on a case, raise their hands saying they could not give money for pain and suffering and mental anguish. When the follow up question, "tell me about that" was asked, we found out that they really didn't have any serious problems with those types of damages.

There was a study that was done that asked people "do you agree with the statement that communism is a failed and evil system?" and then asked them, do you agree with the statement, "from each according to their ability, to each according to their need?" People agreed with both statements, even though they were in direct contradiction to each other.  They did so because both statements sounded good. In order to do an effective job at voir dire you have to find out what is actually going on in the minds of the individuals who are raising their cards. A third problem with reliance on powerpoint in voir dire is that you are not provided with any tools to hold onto jurors during the rehabilitation process. The Strike For Cause method of jury selection always includes questions which allow the jurors to say in their own words, how they feel about the particular issues. This makes it more difficult for the other side to rehabilitate a bad juror because instead of saying to them, "you raised your card on these questions," you can repeat back to them their own words, and thereby hold them to their original position. A final pitfall of using a powerpoint or other visual method is that it exposes the good jurors for your side to the lawyers at the opposite counsel table. Any decent lawyer will be able to figure out whether a one or a five, on a scale of one-to-five, is good or bad for them. By doing a wholesale survey of the panel you end up doing the other side's work for them.

The Strike For Cause method is targeted toward exposing the jurors who are bad for you, while keeping the jurors who are good for you silent. You can only engage in this qualitative subtlety by engaging in a dialogue that responds in a flexible way to the information that an individual juror is giving you.

So the question is, why would a lawyer use a powerpoint presentation instead of engaging in a dialogue with the venire persons? I think part of the answer lies with the reason that my wife's friends "the engineers" were early adopters of this technology. The visual presentation allows a lawyer to skip the uncomfortable job of actually being present with other people. Talking to and listening to a group of strangers is one of the most difficult tasks that any human being faces. We have all heard the statement that the number one fear in America is public speaking, it even beats snakes and death. How much scarier is it to talk with a group of people with an expectation that they will talk back to you? With the use of powerpoint presentations you simply have to point to the screen and read the question and take notes without having to have any real interaction with a potential juror.

Another reason that someone might want to use the powerpoint presentation is that it is easier than developing the skill set required to do an effective voir dire. Not only does one have to deliver a question properly, you have to then more importantly, listen to the answer. After listening to the answer you have to ask the appropriate follow up question. This is the most difficult skill set for a lawyer to develop because it requires practice. While most lawyers don't have many opportunities to conduct voir dires, they do have opportunities to listen to other people. If you can repeat back to someone the exact words that they have spoken, then you are on the right track. The next level is to be able to read someone's emotional state and tell if there is something that is not being said, but is present in the room. Although these are difficult skills to develop, talking to and listening to a group of strangers is one of the most rewarding tasks that any human being faces.

The following link describes an excellent exercise for developing listening capacities: Copy and paste it into your browser.

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